Short thesis
30 Jahre nach der Einführung der UN-Kinderrechtskonvention steigt die Zahl der Kinder, die Opfer von Kriegen werden, exponentiell. 357 Millionen Mädchen und Jungen leben in Krisengebieten. Die Konflikte nehmen weltweit zu, sie dauern länger – und sie werden komplexer. Gegen Terrororganisationen und in extrem angespannten Konflikten scheinen Internationale Schutzmechanismen machtlos zu sein. Sind digitale Medien eine Chance, Kinder im Krieg zu unterstützen? Wie können neue Bewegtbild-Formate die Not der Kinder in Kriegen thematisieren? Wie können digitale Kampagnen dazu beitragen, Kinder im Krieg zu schützen? Wie können Kinder im Krieg selbst ihre Stimme erheben?
This session will be held in German and will be translated into English.
TV-shows, hashtags and smartphones – digital media as an opportunity to support children in war?
Around 1 in 6 of the world’s children grow up in conflict. International law obligates all warring parties to protect children. However, the number of children in conflict zones being bombed, starved and stripped of their future is increasing. International legal systems are failing and aid organizations are stretched to the limit under increasingly difficult conditions. What can be done? Awareness building through media content? Mobilization of support through innovative campaigns? Empowerment through new technologies? Experts discuss how media and politics can use the digital world to end “The War on children”.
Thirty years after the introduction of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the number of children living in conflict zones has increased by more than 75 percent; 350 million children live in conflict-impacted areas. The number of conflicts worldwide is rising, they last longer – and they are becoming more and more complex. International safeguarding mechanisms seem to be powerless when facing terror organisations or dealing with high intensity conflicts. Is digital media a way to support children in war? How can new forms of content broach the issue of the distress children are facing in conflict zones? How can digital campaigns help protect children in war? How can we empower children to raise their voices?