Zudem bedeutet Strategiebildung in diesem Feld immer auch, bestimmte Dinge bewusst nicht zu tun und mit FOMO (Fear of missing out) umzugehen. Wie ein Jongleur gilt es, viele Bälle in der Luft zu halten und dabei nicht zu stolpern. Neue Initiativen zu starten, Altes einzustellen oder zu erneuern, um Platz und Kapazität zu schaffen. Wie gelingt es Medienunternehmen, die richtigen Prioritäten zu setzen? Welche Methoden und Ansätze gibt es, um Unsicherheit auszuhalten? Was können Medienunternehmen von anderen Branchen lernen?
This session will be held in German and will be translated into English.
FOMO – the new routine in media companies: managing insecurities
Digitisation is more than technology change. Smartphones and new IT infrastructure are just the beginning of innovation management tasks. In an environment where new technologies become available more quickly than it is possible to implement them, there are a lot of unknowns: from weighing one technology against others to the appropriate moment in time to the extent of adaptation. Also, strategy development in this field always includes the deliberate omission of certain activities and to deal with FOMO (fear of missing out). Just like a juggler, the management needs to keep many balls in the air and avoid tripping in the process. New initiatives must be started, and old processes must be suspended and renewed to create space and capacities. How do media companies manage to prioritise correctly? Which methods and approaches are available for coping with insecurities?